<h2>1. Your league name and SHG name must match<br><br> 2. No DRAMA allowed <br><br> 3. No cheating is allowed whatsoever, unless the game is cheaters,<br><br> 4. BRB is only 3 minutes. MIA is 10.<br><br> 5. No Foul Language in the lobby <br><br> 6. Please remember to show good sportsmanship to all.<br><br> 7. Please be in lobby before start, td will not wait for you. <br><br> 8. TD is in charge of their own tourney, if there is a problem get her/him, they will determine if admin is needed.<br><br> 9. Please name table in the lobby <br><br> 10. If a dq happens and in first round you can restart only if both parties agree <br><br> 11. Respect each other and staff. <br><br> 12. Slow play will be warmed twice, on third time game will be called. <br><br> 13. NO TABLE TALK WHEN PLAYING DOUBLES.</h2><br><br>